Jessica Parker

Pleasure Educator & Sensual Curator

Being in your body - how can sensual massage help with this?

Touch and massage can be used in so many contexts and situations to simply connect with yourself first and foremost. Engaging with your own breath, sound and movement alongside touch can help deepen a capacity to notice and explore different sensations.

Generally when our genitals have been touched its usually in a sexually stimulating (masturbation, sex with a partner) or medically examining context (doctor check ups) – to learn to have an intention of relaxing, being curious and creative about different sensations can set us gently on a path to explore new pleasures and expand our sensual and sexual potential. Engaging and learning different types of touch, breath, movement and massage techniques in a tangible, practical, relevant way can anchor us in the present. This can give us the tools to articulate and communicate what we like and what may not be as pleasurable in a moment or what we might want to change in a moment. Self knowledge practiced this way can help create and build on our own pleasure map in which to learn more about our bodies and be able to show and communicate with people we may choose to share our bodies with.

Becoming grounded in an intention of being curious and creative with touch and different massage strokes can dissolve usual worries of getting somewhere, being goal orientated, forcing or rushing pleasure, performing, timing, insecurities..

Using massage as a communication tool to show a partner different ways you might like to be touched can not only be fun but can take away the emotional baggage of; “Why didn't you show me this before?”. Massage can create a fresh new injection of playfulness, exploration and looking at your own and each others bodies in a new way that can inspire a sense of new-ness in a relaxed way where neither of you has the pressure to get it right.

The more we learn about our own bodies we can come from a greater understanding and broader sensory spectrum in which to share that with those we choose. When we exclusively depend on external stimulus eg partners, visual aids like porn, drugs, stimulants for our pleasure we can limit our own pleasure potential and sexual discovery.